Board of Directors
TIG’s Board is composed of Directors with experience in exploration, project development, mining, coal processing, bulk commodity marketing, financing, infrastructure and regulatory affairs on an international level.

Craig Wiggill
Chairman of the Board, Independent Non-Executive Director
BSc Engineering (Mechanical and Industrial) University of Witwatersrand. Mr Wiggill was appointed Non-Executive Director on 20 November 2012. He is a member of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee.
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Mitch Jakeman
Independent Non-Executive Director
BE(Mining), ME(Hons) Mining under Stored Waters and Dams, Dip Mineral Economics.
Mr Mitch Jakeman was appointed Non-Executive Director on 17 January 2022.
Read MoreMitch has been involved with mining companies for over 40 years having held leadership and executive
roles with such organizations as Rio Tinto, Shell Coal Australia, Anglo Coal Australia and Stanmore Coal.
During that period he has also been actively involved with a number of associations including AusIMM,
Australian Mine Managers Association , Sustainable Minerals Institute – University of Queensland and
the Australian Coal Association.
He is also Chairman of the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.
Kieran Travers
Independent Non-Executive Director
Qualifications B.Sc, Master of Environmental Management, MBA. Mr Travers was appointed as an Indpendent Non-Executive Director on 8 August 2024. He is a member of both Audit, Risk & Compliance and the Nomination & Remuneration Committees.
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TIG’s management team has experience in exploring, developing, operating and financing large scale natural resource projects. The team has skills in the areas of geology, mining operations, infrastructure, regulatory, environmental and financial affairs. All senior operational managers have worked previously in the minerals and mining sector and will manage the Amaam Coal Project’s development, including any third party contractor workforce required for the development of TIG’s mining operations.

Dmitry Gavrilin
Chief Executive Officer
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Dale Bender
Chief Financial Officer
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Sergey Efanov
General Manager Project F
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David Forsyth
Company Secretary
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Corporate Governance
The Company has adopted systems of control and accountability as the basis for administration of corporate governance. TIG is committed to administering the policies and procedures with openness and integrity, pursuing the highest standards of corporate governance commensurate with the Company’s needs. To the extent that they are appropriate and applicable the Company has adopted the Principles of Good Corporate Governance Recommendations as published by the ASX Corporate Governance Council. As the Company’s activities develop in size, nature and scope, TIG will consider on an ongoing basis its corporate governance structures and whether they are sufficient given the Company’s size and nature of operations. The Board and management have established a range of policies, practices and arrangements that reflect the recommendations. Those policies, practices and arrangements are reviewed regularly. Some of those arrangements, policies and practices are set out herein:
Corporate Directory
- Craig Wiggill, Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman
- Mitch Jakeman, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Kieran Travers, Independent Non-Executive Director
Executive Management
- Dmitry Gavrilin, Chief Executive Officer
- Dale Bender, Chief Financial Officer
- David Forsyth, Company Secretary
- Sergey Efanov, General Manager, Project F
Registered & Head Office
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Collingwood, Victoria, 3066
T +613 8644 1300
Share Registry
Link Market Services Limited
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Melbourne, VIC 3000
T 1300 554 474
T +613 9615 9800
F +612 9287 0303
Russian Head Office
37 Leningradski Avenue Moscow, Russia 125167
T +7 495 646 8353
Hall Chadwick NSW
Level 40, 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000